Original Short Script Series, "The Kid Biz"
Being a mother has given B. A. Steele a new realm of storytelling to experience, which are children's books and shows. Many movies and shows made for kids sneak in adult humor, because of course its adults who are actually writing the stories (and they know they need to be entertaining so the parent's don't mind watching too).
"The Kid Biz" is meant to be a short docuseries of unfiltered adults trying to be successful in an innocent, yet competitive, child market. Later in the series, more inappropriate fun is sure to happen with the end goal of making children stay happy and entertained.
"The Kid Biz" Synopsis
Bailey's entrepreneur spirit gets her obsessed with trying to mass produce simple kids stories to get rich quick. Through the support of some friends like Elizabeth (her illustrator) and Donna (the helper), they record the raw process of being a children's book author.
Read the First Episode
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If you've enjoyed visiting basteelepublishing.com then you may like B. A. Steele's first and only published screenplay, The Marigold List. Or if you'd like to support the author, you can buy the eBook on Amazon!