Original Screenplay Scrapbooking Preface:
This screenplay in progress is meant to entertain and give you butterflies! It's written less formally than a typical script that would be submitted professionally. The purpose of adding humorous commentary throughout the script helps deliver the comedic concepts and indulge the reader more.
Real celebrities are mentioned in the script but have no relation to this story or concept. For example, Michael Cera and Megan Fox are referenced to be pictured as the main characters to help with envisioning them, however, having them actually play these parts would be awesome to see but its not going to happen.
Because their names and likeness are mentioned, after this script is complete, B. A. Steele will keep this script available to read for free!
Scrapbooking Summary
This script follows the successful but socially awkward bachelor, Danny, who has a big secret he must keep from his friends, family, and dating life - until he meets, the one, Nichole. After the two connect, they feel safe enough around each other to be vulnerable and he reveals his embarrassing hobby of playing with dolls. However, Danny's hobby isn't the problem surprisingly, Nichole likes to call her extraordinary hobby, "scrapbooking" and has been looking for a lover to share her same passions with her.
Danny finds himself in an entanglement when he discovers what her version of scrapbooking is; it's murder. She enjoys killing people as her hobby. Now Danny must choose between the perfect girl with one major flaw he can't look past or doing the sane thing of getting the hell away from her.
Script Summary
This pdf screenplay is most of the first act for the feature-length, romantic comedy, Scrapbooking written by B. A. Steele.
More About The Work
This script was written to poke fun at the experience of love and relationships. Of course settling with small flaws is normal, but what about one major one? Aren't you supposed to make an effort to involve yourself or support your lover's interests?! Scrapbooking will be the perfect story that helps define that grey area without the couples therapy...
After B. A. Steele publishes The Masks and Bandits - her first novel, and has completed pre-production for her documentary Pretty Ugly, she will enjoy finishing this fun, dark comedy.
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