B. A. Steele
Creative Storyteller
Cat Enthusiast

Welcome To B. A. Steele Publishing
Enjoy authentic content made and shared by a tolerable, young millennial, B. A. Steele. She brings a rare perspective to each of her creations, pulling from industry experience in story-building, marketing strategy, business development, and communications! B. A. Steele Publishing works to provide entertaining narratives in a variety of genres, for all audience types!

B. A. Steele has been using her imagination to think of extravagant - and slightly terrifying - story ideas since high-school. Her novel series has been her longest lasting story idea that has many intricate layers to connect all of its narratives together for endless drama!

With a passion for visual storytelling, B. A. Steele creates screenplays meant just for screens - not books! The Marigold List is her first published screenplay which is available on Amazon! She's worked on film sets in the past and plans to produce a documentary based on American Healthcare by 2026.

B. A. Steele discusses experiences throughout her life to provide details on personal, yet common topics such as: Crohn's Disease, Motherhood, Healthcare, and other news-worthy topics!

Rated R (17+)
The Marigold List
Read B. A. Steele's first-ever published screenplay and be captivated until the very end! This feature-length script follows Emily, a young woman who suffers from depression and is instructed by her doctor to find a help group of her choice. However, the help group Emily chooses happens to be a cult…
Available in paperback and Kindle
B. A. Steele is a storyteller with a unique voice that captures the audience's attention and emotions through her characters and themes. Enjoy Steele's other creative work for free and for purchase in Works.

B A Steele's writing is fascinating and thought-provoking. Her latest work is no exception.
"[The Marigold List] has a lot going for it. The plot is enticing and the character development stands out. I definitely recommend this piece to anyone looking for a mystery/drama."
The Marigold List is a quick read that will have you wanting more!
"I couldn't put it down and now I want more! Please tell me you are making a sequel."
Coming 2025
The first book of the Masks and Bandits Series
This novel series is a dramatic satire based on the point of view of a few key players in the rise and fall of The Masks and The Bandits. Starting off the saga is Catherine, born into extreme power an wealth thanks to her father being a High-Level Gatekeeper. She witnesses the horror the Bandits cause on the rest of society, but gets inspiration from the heroic group, The Maskeraids - who never fear those Bandits.
Journey into this uncanny reality and find out how the chaotic origin of real-life superheroes and villains came to be and, by the last book, how it all comes to an end.
The Making of The Marigold List
B. A. Steele has enjoyed movies and literature since childhood. Therefore, she decided to attend Cleveland State University to study Film and Digital Media. The Marigold List stemmed from a college project she developed with the help of her screenwriting professor. Only the first act was written.
After graduating with a Bachelor's in Film and Communications (2018), Steele finished the script and had connections with other film industry professionals to help perfect her screenplay. The script was drafted over twenty times thanks to the feedback and re-editing that had to be done to reach the final version. Even though the script was optimized to a professional standard; the competitive market for new writers who get their work optioned, produced, and distributed, are always slim. With that probability, The Marigold List would never reach an audience.
Whether the dramatic screenplay is made into a film or not, B. A. Steele still wanted people to experience her story. To spread the awareness and fun of reading scripts, B. A. Steele decided to self-publish it through Amazon to simply print and distribute the hardcopies and eBooks. The Marigold List is registered with the WGA (Writer's Guild of America) and is copyrighted.
Enjoy a new and thrilling story that brings the darkest emotions to light - and just for the time being, experience a story in a format completely different than a book! Our favorite TV and Movie stars practice their lines from screenplays that look just like this one!
Sample a few of the pages below or read the first 10 pages on Amazon!

The Marigold List

The Marigold List
WARNING: These scenes contain graphic situations including suicide, firearms, and other situations that audiences younger than 17, people in an unstable mindset, or those sensitive to that kind of material, may not be suitable to read. This screenplay is a work of fiction and does not portray any real people or situations.
New to reading screenplays for movies or theater? Here are some common script terms found throughout The Marigold List. Don't be afraid to read a screenplay! Scripts are very straightforward compared to novels because it is both a guide and a story for creatives to follow! Therefore, Action Description is written throughout.
Screenplay Key:
EXT = EXTERIOR (setting takes place outside)
INT = INTERIOR (setting takes place inside)
(O.S) = OFF SCREEN - The character's voice is being heard "Off of Screen"
(V.O) = VOICE OVER - The character's voice is narrating over the scene/an action
Did you know, filmmakers estimate 1 page equals 1 minute of screen time? This feature-length script is 131 pages long which would be just over a 2-hour movie if produced!

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